Onboard Footage of an 1,800 HP Camaro Crashing Will Make You Cringe

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The Camaro goes round-and-round, round-and round… you know the song. Well, what exactly did you expect out of a Chevy Camaro (or any street car) with 1,800 horsepower?

The magic of the internet has brought us many insane crash and racing videos, but none quite as cringe-worthy as seeing the exact moment when the owner of this massively powerful Camaro and his co-pilot go for a tumble after hitting over 2oo mph on a relatively stock-body Chevy Camaro. From what we can make out of the photos, no aerodynamic enhancements were made to make this Camaro more stable at speed, granted that’s not what caused the wreck.


According to the owner, a stuck wheel or locked up front brake is what pitched the car sideways under deceleration, which then allowed air to get underneath the body and physics took over at that point. Thankfully this didn’t happen while the vehicle’s speed was still escalating, as it could’ve been much, much worse.

Thanks to a full cage and protective gear, these two lucky guys (and their trusty camera) will live to tell an insane story.

Stay safe!

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Video via: [CAMONLYC6Z]

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