Watch a Cyclist Try to Cross the Presidential Motorcade in NYC

Watch a Cyclist Try to Cross the Presidential Motorcade in NYC

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About 8 to 10 secret service Tahoes and Suburbans, 15 to 20 Harley-Davidson motorcycles,  and many more NYPD vehicles with flashing emergency lights blocked the luxurious Park Avenue in NYC for the Obama motorcade. Unfortunately for this silly cyclist—he just had no idea…

Thanks to this Instagram video by mattpeco, we have the almost comical chance to witness a cyclist try to cross the wrong street at the wrong time. The cyclist can be seen approaching an area blocked by an NYPD van and protected by police officers and secret service agents afoot, when one of the police offers realizes that cyclist really shouldn’t be there.

After a moment of hesitation, the officer yells at the cyclist to stop and proceeds to tackle him on the ground, just as the Harley-Davidson motorcycles from the presidential motorcade start to pass by. A few seconds go by when another police offers kicks things up a notch and begins restraining the cyclist. The rest of the motorcade, including the presidential limo pass by the area about 20 seconds later and disappear in a heartbeat.

Toward the end of the video one can witness more cyclist approach, which makes me wonder how the secret service managed to do such a poor job at securing the perimeter. Had those cyclist had ulterior motives, even a small explosive device could’ve killed hundreds of people and been within range to damage one of the motorcade vehicles.

What were you thinking!


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