Lion Eats Muscle in Any Form, Tries to Devour Camaro

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Cars and humans are not naturally meant to interact with large cats on a casual basis. This is just one of those known rules of the animal kingdom, but thanks to people ruining everything, it’s a reality. Zoos, safaris, all of that tourism garbage throws off the worlds of these animals and puts them in situations they never should be in. And that’s why we have videos like a lion biting the bumper of a Chevrolet Camaro.

In a drive-through exhibit, people are allowed to take their cars straight through the areas where African animals live. Think about that from that cat’s perspective. Here’s some large foreign object coming into his habitat making weird sounds, emitting weird smells, and coming as close to him as it wants. Of course the cat’s going to be curious … or hungry. Or curiously hungry. Either way, it takes a taste of the Camaro’s bumper. Lucky for the driver, the lion didn’t use full force.

via [ViralVideoUK]

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