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Old January 11th, 2019, 10:50 PM
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Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Speech

I think it is ridiculous. I am with William on this because it is only the loonies that would flag posts. The rest of us are adult enough to argue our points using words. As far 'teaching' somebody, what makes somebody a teacher and another student? Some people's views are more 'correct' than others? tsk tsk. That is a rather dangerous analogy.

Anyways, in the span of 24 hours I was flagged three times. Strange as I have gone a whole year without a hint of trouble. Also strange is the fact Ottawa looked at my website over the next two days and then today, Washington DC.

Last edited by dberladyn; January 11th, 2019 at 10:54 PM.
Old January 12th, 2019, 9:55 AM
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We have already lost so many of our ''freedoms'' we are like number 27 of out of 109 free countrys . I think canada is still number 1 or 2 .[more freedoms then usa and we invented it]. Govt. Just keeps chipping them away. I am an old man and have seen them slipping away no matter who we voted in or out. I feel bad for the younger people , they don't even know what freedoms we used to enjoy. They work there butts off just trying to make a living and put food on the table. May god have mersy on us all.
Old January 12th, 2019, 10:00 AM
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I'll give you the freedoms thing, but stick with the proper time and place thing. And besides, when has anyone changed someone else's mind on politics or religion? If you believe something that isn't true, there isn't a thing I can do to change your mind.

BTW, I do get rather vocal on FaceBook, and have never been flagged. And I lived inside the infamous Beltway until last year.
Old January 12th, 2019, 10:48 AM
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Where do you post? You can be as vocal as you want inside a closet and likely no one will care.

I have been 'blocked' by the local police department, the provincial government, the regional library board, and the government funded national news broadcaster (at my local city level). In the past, I raised so much fuss over the lack of free speech that they held a live conference with all of their staff there on live camera. When I entered the live 'chatroom' or whatever you want to call it, I swear they were all informed via their little ear buds. You could see it on their faces. Anyways it wasn't long before some overweight woman was explaining why she deleted people's comments before I responded reducing her to tears live on the air. I do not even feel bad for that. She deserved it. She felt her opinion was more 'correct' than everyone else's. Then there was getting blocked by Trudeau's Liberal Party of Canada. They actually blocked my computer. The next day I was tailed by unmarked cars honking for my attention. I think for whatever reason, for whatever I did, they had to positively identify me. At some point I abandoned Trudeau and decided to troll Canada's Finance Minister instead. I have scaled all that back though. The one thing I do respect is that he and his adviser's have never deleted a post. No matter how I pushed the envelope. I am sure he knows me by name. I've mellowed as I do not want to attack them even if they deserve it.

I am pretty sure I was posting somethings that were hitting too close to home for some people. Over three years, I have kind of watched the cause and effect of words. Then suddenly this.. I think I concluded last night that the Ottawa hits are from my posts to the tax-collectors. Publicly telling them I could care less about submitting my taxes. Including the business end of taxes which likely results in jail. I told them to look the other way and leave me alone. I have been through enough at the hands of the government. Any other problems are likely from spreading the ex-CIA Agents testimonies regarding government corruption, video's regarding pedophilia and my blunt comments to MP's stating what they probably want to state but cannot due to their government position.

Tomorrow night my 'punishment' should be over, I'll be back there posting away. Privately, I am kind of hoping I take a back seat and shut up. I want off there anyways. I spent too much time getting caught in the circle of posting and reading responses.
Old January 12th, 2019, 4:32 PM
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That doesn't sound like Facebook. That sounds more like a government website/chat room.
Old January 13th, 2019, 1:01 AM
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Well, Facebook is whatever you make it out to be right? I am sure where ever you live there are plenty of politicians, agencies and organizations to interact with. I am in Canada, but I follow plenty in the United States, some in the United Kingdom and even the United Nations itself. I watch what is going on in other countries through online friends. The Yellow Vest protests in the UK for example. A friend over there threw me in a private feed so I could see first hand. Video after video of things I will not see on the news. I am nobody, but I have spoke enough that the lead organizer of the largest American Tea Party grabbed me and threw me into the feed. I think I tried leaving and he threw me back in laughing at me. I swear there are reports written on me just from who I noted viewing my website continually and things major politicians stated. Add two and two and it makes sense.

With everything going on in the world I would argue that not getting booted isn't something to brag about. I was booted when I first opened up online - three years ago. I was driven into nearly committing suicide, I recovered from that after a very hard year. Then those same dynamics and those same people nearly caused me to drop dead from stress on my fortieth birthday. After asking the police for help they wouldn't give, I opened up online. It's hard to find the words to describe this, but when you are in the shape I was in after going through everything I did, share with with the world.... your ships going under, never to recover. That was my first ban. The cops came after me too for it. They no longer ignore the problem they failed to help with. Then to fix their own problem they just decided to railroad me. There problem solved (for them).

During Trumps campaign I was a complete trainwreck. Just mentally gone. Life completely destroyed with more problems than I could ever type out, playing cat and mouse with private investigators, bailiffs, trying to keep working with no credit and a brand new truck that would not start. It just kept eating batteries and I could not deal with it. Facebook gave me problems until I wrote Mark Zuckerberg. My account froze. It just literally froze. Twenty or thirty minutes later. Boom. Never had a problem since. Not until about July of 2018. A six month old post written in poor mental health while in a homeless shelter, a post I knew I shouldn't make, it wasn't worded right, but whatever it was posted and I never went back to fix it. They banned me for a few days or a week.

Then just recently. In all honesty, I was pushing the envelope the other week. They were posts meant to be funny for the group of people reading them. Not that there wasn't some subtle belief expressed, but for the part, they were just posts made from the influences of the circles I have been associating with online. Two online friends namely. Ones who I almost axed as they are caught up in stuff that I have long since moved away and evolved from. With the amount of hesitation that my account was going through before the ban and the fact that I was banned with three flagged posts in less than twenty four hours, I think I simply targeted. When you realize who I write and the attention that I draw on myself, it makes sense. I probably became known to the wrong person, or exposed myself to some list somewhere.

Anyways, with all the BS. With all the outright fraud. With all of the outright lying going on by the powers that be. With a populace so brainwashed and absolutely hopeless, I wear the ban with honour. If you are not making enemies, you are not standing up for anything. I do not recommend people do what I do online but.. the only thing they can really do to me is incarcerate me or shoot me. Considering that I have had SWAT teams kick in the doors and throw flash grenades, or that I have spent a few months playing hide and seek with the cops only to have them eventually come get me out of my bed in the middle of the night, locked in hospitals, locked in jail - solitary confinement, naked for days while someone searches through my stool.... I could just go on. Audio recording everywhere I go from doctors offices to the inside of police stations, to bail offices, places I do not even want to admit as it is not over. I even assaulted by medical staff. You could literally make a movie out of the crap I have been through in the last three years.

Want to see a judge hit the ceiling? Speak into the microphone "I hereby disavow the Crown" - lol, there's just no words for the reaction. Bomb searches. They actually searched me for a bomb.

Anyways, I speak too loosely, but after nearly dropping dead three years ago I reached a point where I did not care what people thought. Just be open. At one point I almost through my SIN number online (your SS number). I just lost all care. You want to murder me? You railroad me through with all these government paid workers lying through their teeth to make that happen, then @#$% you all. I have actually been retracting that quite a bit. I no longer go into attack mode online. I try to be nice, forgiving and I give politicians the benefit of the doubt when I know I shouldn't but... I still speak too loosely from time to time. Banning me only did my a favour. I was trying to get off there for sometime so I could put more focus into securing work. Seeing that a job was finally ready to go, the timing was perfect. They did me a favour.

I was actually wondering if I shouldn't delete my account and start over fresh. I think I am kidding myself though. At some point the government will do something ridiculous and in our face again, I'll beak off. Then I will realize that I should have never have deleted my account. I just wish I could get myself to type with more credibility. I do well, then suddenly I'll just have a bad spell of a few days where I am stating stuff that's not quite of the character I wish to have. Whatever. It's just like my situation. I am letting myself get all cucked and I am cowering like a beaten dog. In reference to upcoming court and other legal issues. Then I think about it. Why the hell am I cowering? To be nice? This is their problem, they railroaded an innocent person who was near asking for help into the street to die.

I cannot condense these words because I wasn't planning on sharing them, but @$%^ everyone. They are useless bureaucrats who are more concerned about covering their mistakes and keeping their jobs than they are about Justice, Truth, Integrity and what is Right in the World. Our Societies are a complete farce.

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