Sonic (Aveo) The subcompact known globally as the Aveo since 2002 is now the SONIC in North America as of the 2012 model

Chevrolet Sonic
GM Platform: T200, T250, T300

HID Kit for all Chevrolet owners!!

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Old February 10th, 2010, 11:13 AM
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just a quick question. Is having up to 12000k road legal??? I'm guessing it doesn't make a difference in terms of fitting.

Old February 10th, 2010, 5:17 PM
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All aftermarket HIDs are illegal, but as long as you keep within the 8000K range you should be fine, Thanks`


Originally Posted by OmenLom
just a quick question. Is having up to 12000k road legal??? I'm guessing it doesn't make a difference in terms of fitting.

Old February 17th, 2010, 2:48 PM
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FREE HIDeXtra.comLicense Plate Frame SPECIAL!!!

Buy ANY two kits and get a free License Plate Frame Free!

Ordering Instructions:

1.) Go to this link to check on bulb type

2.) Then go to and choose the (BULB TYPE AND COLOR)

3.) Use Express checkout

4.) Input coupon code: fspecial-m to get $15 off the kit price

5.) IF you are purchasing more than one kit, please do SEPARATE transactions for EACH kit in order to get discount on all kits.

6.) Please note in additional comment area “Purchased two kits, want license plate frame”

Any questions, please email me @

Thanks for all your support and business!!

Old April 1st, 2010, 1:45 PM
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SPRING is around the corner and we’d love to save you money!!! See below for the Spring Special , pass this around and you will still get a free LICENSE PLATE FRAME for every 2 kits you order!!!!

COUPON CODE: springsp-m ($17 off online price)
EXPIRATION: May 15, 2010 Midnight PST

So the special price is $58 per kit, for those of you who were thinking of purchasing more than one kit, you'll save yourself some money! Thanks!!!!!

Ordering Instructions:

1.) Go to this link to check on bulb type

2.) Then go to and choose the (BULB TYPE AND COLOR)

3.) Use Express checkout

4.) Input coupon code: springsp-m to get $17 off the kit price
Input coupon code: tenpercentoff-m to get 10% off bulbs only, ballast or accessories

5.) IF you are purchasing more than one kit, please do SEPARATE transactions for EACH kit in order to get discount on all kits.

Any questions, please email me @

Old June 11th, 2010, 2:59 PM
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Hi Everyone! Just want to notify you all that it's been great working with you!! Starting next monday I have been moved to the wholesale department of the company and will no longer be with HIDeXtra!! My colleague here "Karen" will be taking over and she is as good in customer service as me! Thanks for your continuous support and business!!

Old July 2nd, 2010, 4:15 PM
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<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Google for more reviews!
Check out Youtube Video:

COUPON CODE: july42010 ($19 off online price)<o></o>

25% off of hi/lo and single beam kit
EXPIRATION: July 11<sup>st</sup>, 2010
Shipping and Tax included!

So the special price is $56 per kit, for those of you who were thinking of purchasing more than one kit, you'll save yourself some money! Thanks!!!!!

Ordering Instructions:

1.) Go to this link to check on bulb type

2.) Then go to and choose the (BULB TYPE AND COLOR)

3.) Use Express checkout

4.) Input coupon code: july42010 to get $19 off the kit price
Input coupon code: tenpercentoff-m to get 10% off bulbs only, ballast or accessories

5.) IF you are purchasing more than one kit, please do SEPARATE transactions for EACH kit in order to get discount on all kits.

Any questions, please email me @

Old August 17th, 2010, 1:17 PM
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HIDeXtra New Trial Price $43.99/Kit ONLY one week!!

For one week only, our manager at has lowered the price of our HID kits to $43.99 to see how well it will sell at this new sale price. If this exclusive sale price becomes popular, we will keep it at this exclusive price.

Google for more reviews!
Check out Youtube Video:

NO COUPON CODE NEEDED! $43.99 PER KIT (Single and Hi/Lo beam Kit ONLY)
EXPIRATION: Aug 22, 2010 Midnight PST
Shipping and Tax included!

So the special price is $43.99 per kit, for those of you who were thinking of purchasing more than one kit, you'll save yourself some money! This offer is only good for ONE WEEK. Offer may or may not be extended!!

Ordering Instructions:

1.) Go to this link to check on bulb type

2.) Then go to and choose the (BULB TYPE AND COLOR)

3.) Use Express checkout

4.) IF you are purchasing more than one kit, please do SEPARATE transactions for EACH kit in order to get discount on all kits.

Customer Support:
E-mail Form

(Available M-F 9am - 5pm PST)
Old August 27th, 2010, 12:40 PM
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checkout our new youtube video:

You can see ours compare to others. On the left, the light is flickering the whole time. poorly made HID kits will flicker. it's not the installation but simply a bad kit.
google "flickering hid" or
Old March 21st, 2012, 10:01 PM
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Due to increasing number of HID inquiries, please allow me 24-48 hrs (excluding weekends and holidays) to respond to your PM, thread replies or Email. Thank you very much!
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June 10th, 2012 2:32 PM

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