2007 Suburban AFM... Lifter questions... real novice
2007 Suburban AFM... Lifter questions... real novice
good morning, i have a quick questions for the mechanics of this board. I just purchased a 2007 suburban with 115,000 miles on her. after I got her home the dealer advised me that he just had the motor all rebuilt.. Nice of him to tell me before correct? Anyways. i put 10 miles on the the truck and lost all my oil out of the rear seal.. Needless to say its back at the dealer having a new seal put in and a protective sleeve added to it... My question is. dumb question. I understand there are special lifters that are involved for the ATM... what happens if the mechanic doesnt know this and adds normal lifters and the not the AFM ones? will the AFM just not work? im just worried now that it was put together wrong... is this even possible to do? truck said it was going back and forth between 4 and 8 so it was working, but what happens if the 4 afm lifters were replaced with normal lifters?