Triple Crown: How I Ended Up Owning a C4, C5, and C6 Corvette

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C4, C5, and C6 Corvette

Wondering what it takes to support a multi-Corvette household? Corvette Forum member lets us know.

Some of us become obsessed with a certain car for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s the design, and for others, the sound. And then, some just enjoy the certain way a car drives. It could be nostalgia, your dad owned one before, you grew up with one on the block, or any number of reasons why you have become loyal to one brand of vehicle. There is no right or wrong reason to fall in love with a car. We all have our own. Recently, we featured an original story over on our sister site, Corvette Forum, about the current market for C4 Corvettes.

We encouraged forum members to shoot us a message if they had an impressive C4 with a good backstory like the one in the article. We got a couple of responses, but there was definitely a clear winner among them. This individual was Craig Byrdwell, owner of not one, not two, but three different Corvettes, each with its own story. However, the one that initially got us interested in hearing his adventures was the C4, a special-edition 1995 Indy 500 Pace Car. Not only were only 527 of these cars made, this one only has 81 miles. Yes, 81.

Supposedly, the car was won in a race by Dale Earnhardt. However, Byrdwell ended up discovering that this wasn’t the case in the end (no surprise), but the car was an authentic model, regardless. Byrdwell already owned a 2011 C6 Corvette. While searching the marketplace out of curiosity for C6s, he came across an ad for a rare C4. Some haggling and discussion later, the car was his.

Byrdwell is sort of an expert in buying cars online without even seeing them.

“I’ll go all over the country to get the right ultra-low-mileage vehicle for me,” says Byrdwell. “Plus, I’m very patient and will wait years for the right vehicle to come along.”

Byrdwell is like a hawk when it comes to vehicle shopping, and this man clearly knows his cars and how to find them.

Craig Byrdwell's 3 Corvettes

Just when we thought Byrdwell’s story was over with, he sent us an update to his complex Corvette situation. There had been a new addition to the family, a C5 50th Anniversary Edition with just over 5,000 miles. This car cost him the exact amount the C4 Pace Car cost him. He is now the owner of three unique Corvettes: a C4, C5, and a C6. Check out his full story here for all the details.

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Hi! My name is Daud Gonzalez and I am a local Southern California car enthusiast who loves motorsport to the core. I have spent many years diving deep into modifying, building, and racing cars since beginning my journey with a 2011 BMW 335i Sedan back around 2015. Since then, I have built alongside many close friends several cars for motorsport, including several road race and drifting builds. Few experiences can replicate the full-body immersion that driving a car at the limit on a race track provides. Until that gets boring (which currently seems like never), I will remain dedicated to enjoying motorsports! Thankfully I was able to combine that passion of racing and high-octane adrenaline with another pleasure of mine: writing. I hope you enjoy reading these articles as much as I enjoyed writing them. If you are in SoCal, find me on the racetrack!

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