Get Cleaner In-cabin Air with FRAM’s new Filter

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FRAM TrueAir

Filtration expert FRAM is back with a new cabin air filter that keeps the air free of dust, pollen and viral particles

Spring is the perfect time to get the show on the road — whether it’s for a weekly car club or cruise-in or just a scenic drive. But spring is also primetime for dust, pollen and other allergens. Now, FRAM has a solution for making the in-cabin air safer and healthier with the launch of its FRAM TrueAir premium cabin air filter.

Developed to protect against airborne pathogens, including viruses and bacteria, the cabin air filter features an innovative N95 grade filter media, which is dual-layered to capture 95 percent of harmful airborne contaminants, as small as 0.3 microns, before they enter the vehicle’s cabin.

“Our innovative, high-efficiency TrueAir cabin air filters are engineered to meet the needs of a growing number of safety-conscious consumers concerned about air quality. High-efficiency. TrueAir cabin air filters provide reliable antibacterial and antiviral protection when it’s needed most,” said Jeff Dent, Director of Product Management for FRAM. “FRAM TrueAir incorporates N95 grade, dual-layered media that captures 95 percent of harmful airborne contaminants, ensuring clean air for motorists and their families.”

FRAM offers a two-year protection plan on the filter, which is simple and easy to install. Which means that not only can you show off your Chevy, but breathe easier while doing it. Literally.

Available at WALMART, this latest product from FRAM represents their commitment to the auto enthusiast, keeping them happy, health and safe from the dirt and gunk that can muck up any automotive experience.

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Andreanna Ditton is the Editorial Director for the Internet Auto Communities and Auto Classifieds groups. She has worked as an editor, managing editor and moto-journalist for more than a decade, and has a passion for Ford Broncos, Shelby Cobras and tiny British sportscars that she's far too tall for.

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