Chevy Aveo-Driving Maniac Terrorizes El Segundo, California With an Air Horn

Chevy Aveo-Driving Maniac Terrorizes El Segundo, California With an Air Horn

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air horn

There are people that don’t deserve to roam the streets, let alone buy violently-loud air horns. If you think I’m kidding, then take a look at what the kind (some of them) residents of El Segundo, California have had to deal with in recent weeks.

According to various reports, an asshole in a blue Chevy Aveo has been terrorizing the streets of the quaint California city with, not a monster truck, not a firearm, not a tank; but an air horn. Yes. An air horn. If you think that’s funny, it’s because it is, but the El Segundo residents that have had their peace interrupted don’t seem to think so.

Many of them have reported the air-horn maniac to enjoy striking at wee hours of the night, allegedly waking up adults and children alike from sweet and deep sleep. Other’s have simply called it, “disturbing the peace.” Funny enough, the police officers that eventually caught up with the lunatic had to perform a citizen’s arrest and not a formal arrest.

air horn

Here’s the police department’s very own explanation as posted on their Facebook page:

There have been several comments asking why a Citizen’s Arrest? Rather than being arrested by the officer. First, the on-duty officers cannot be a victim of “disturbing the peace”. So the limit of the law would allow the on-duty police officers to cite the offender for the below infraction of the California Vehicle Code and release him in the field:

27000. (a) A motor vehicle, when operated upon a highway, shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet, but no horn shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound. An authorized emergency vehicle may be equipped with, and use in conjunction with the siren on that vehicle, an air horn that emits sounds that do not comply with the requirements of this section.

The better solution was to involve those citizen’s who had previously contacted the police and were willing to be victims of Penal Code 415 PC-”disturbing the peace.” This is an offense that…depending on the circumstances…prosecutors can charge as a misdemeanor.

As you can see, the lone air horn ranger has now been apprehended, his “air horn equipment” confiscated, and his blue Chevy Aveo impounded. JUSTICE!

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Story & Photos via: [Jalopnik]

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